Monday, February 17, 2020

Week 7 Wikipedia Trail: From Tapas to Eschatology

I started with Tapas (Indian religions), which is mentioned in the Mahabharata. I was interested to learn more about it as a form of meditation and spiritual growth, so naturally I decided to research it. I then clicked on Asceticism because I wanted to know more about abstinence from sensual pleasures and why certain people choose to do this. According to the article, usually people do this to achieve spiritual goals. It sounds like people who do this find a lot of fulfillment in the spiritual realm--I'd imagine they'd have to, to be so dedicated to something like that.

That led me to an article on Zoroastrianism. I clicked on that specifically because it's such an interesting word...I had to know what it meant. It turns out its the word for "one of the world's oldest continuously practiced religions" and it focuses on good and evil (amongst a bunch of other things). It has influenced tons of religions, including Christianity and Islam.

I finished off with Eschatology, another interesting word. It's a part of theology that focuses on the "final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity." This is definitely something I'm going to look into more, as it's right up my alley in terms of things I like learning about.

Four horsemen of the apocalypse, as depicted in the Apocalypse work by Albrecht Dürer from Wikipedia

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