Saturday, February 22, 2020

Week 8 Progress

Looking back, I am happy with my progress so far. I'm proud that I got ahead and stayed ahead, which I really did not expect considering some of the personal issues I've had to deal with this semester. My weekly routine for this course isn't exactly a standard routine--it's more just that I do the work for this course when I want to procrastinate for other courses that I don't enjoy as much, or I do this coursework in between classes. The assignment I enjoy the most is the stories. At first I always feel pressure with them because I'm worried I won't be able to come up with an idea, but once I just start writing, the story basically writes itself. In terms of extra credit options, I'm definitely making use of those. I'm having so much fun with the biography and microfiction, although I am not the best microfiction writer. I feel like I'm improving, though! In terms of building my website, there isn't much to say. I worked on last semester's website until I was completely satisfied with it, so I then just used the exact same layout for this semester's website. 

Looking forward, there are not really any changes I want to make for the second half of the semester. I do want to avoid trying to hurry through the assignments, though. This class gives me a creative outlet, and once it's over I know I'll miss it. I want to try to take my time with these last ~100 points I have left, although I also want to avoid striving for perfection. I need to find a middle ground.

As for an image to motivate me for the big push through the end of the semester, below is a comic that always helps me. It's a good reminder to focus on the present and do what you can with what you have right now. It's one of my all-time favorite images that has helped me through a lot.

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