Monday, February 10, 2020

Week 6 Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part B

  • (Chapter 7) Shakuni and Yudhishthira play a dice game, and Yudhishthira loses everything he owns. He keeps laying, though, and loses his brothers, himself, and Draupadi. Duryodhana tells Draupadi to take her clothes off. She calls to Krishna for help, and when her sari is taken off, another one replaces it. It could be a fun story to re-create this story with other characters or personified animals. 
  • Dhritarashtra gives Draupadi a wish, and she uses it to free Yudhishthira. She uses another wish to free her other four husbands. She declines to use a third wish. Dhritarashtra gives back all the Pandavas' things and sends them back to Indraprastha.
  •  Krisha visits Yudhishthira and says Duryodhana and his allies will be punished. Draupadi thinks its wrong that Yudhishthira is being forgiving towards their enemies, but he tells Draupadi to be patient. Vyasa teaches Y a mantra that allows him to get weapons from the gods. Y teaches this mantra to Arjuna, and Arjuna gets weapons from some of the gods. 
  • Indra is impressed with Arjuna's self-control and says his curse will end up being a blessing later. 

The Disrobing of Draupadi (Vastrapaharanam) (from a Persian Mahabharata)

Bibliography: Narayan's Mahabharata

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