Sunday, January 26, 2020

Famous Last Words: Week 3 Assignments

Overall, the assignments for week 3 went well. They definitely took me longer than expected. I was hoping to be more ahead by now, but life got in the way. I am finding it more difficult to get through a book (The Ramayana) than the short stories we read in Myth and Folklore, but taking notes definitely helps. I just do not have enough of an attention span to keep up with the book. There are so many details that I feel like I have to remember or else my re-telling won't make sense or will be too inaccurate. I am definitely overthinking it, though, so that is something I am going to work on.

I really enjoyed the story I got to write this week. It took me a while to decide on it, but once I did, the writing came really easily. I am definitely getting better about not being a perfectionist, and knowing that I can go back at any time and edit the story really helps. My best strategy for writing currently is to just jump in and refuse to edit until I at least type a few sentences.

My other courses are going well so far, although we are only two weeks into the semester. Things are definitely starting to pick up--the number of deadlines and quizzes I have over the next two weeks is already stressing me out. This course provides the creative relief I need when my other classes are just too much.

Over the next week, I'm hoping to buckle down and get organized. Every semester I end up spending the first two weeks dropping and adding courses because somehow, no matter how much I plan when enrolling, something changes and I have to change my schedule. Now that everything is solidified, I can actually start putting due dates in my calendar and create a study schedule.

To finish, here's a picture I took this week of my dog, Yumi. :)

(Personal image of Yumi)

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