I am pretty happy with how the work in this class is going so far. I got about as far ahead as I could, so now I can slow down if I need to. Also, I really enjoyed the reading this week. Even though it was just the introduction reading, it was a perfect foundation to help me get into the material. It gave a good preview of the kind of content we will be dealing with, and it definitely helped get my creativity flowing. I noticed a lot of the same writing elements in the India stories as I've seen in stories from other cultures. That is one thing I love about stories--no matter what story you are reading, there is going to be a pattern you have probably seen before or will see again. It is so exciting to see how the author will make the story unique even though they are using age-old writing tools, symbolism, etc.

On that topic, I'm actually looking around to see if any publishing companies will give me experience in any form. I'm taking a mental break from the pre-nursing track and am going to see if this publishing trail will lead me anywhere. I am very interested in the world of publishing currently, and I would love to be a part of the process that helps bring creative writing to life. So that is what I will be spending the next few weeks on (outside of school).
Anyways, I'm super excited to see everyone's storybooks! I'm so impressed by the creativity of the storybooks from previous semesters, and I'm sure that trend will continue!
Image info: The demon city of Lanka. The flying horse by W. Robinson. An image I liked from this week's reading!
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